Sector Assembly in Vietnam
The Good Shepherd sisters in Vietnam held their Sector Assembly from April 29 to May 1, 2017. All 27 sisters from three communities attended.
We were blessed to have 3 excellent facilitators: Sr. Regina Htoo Htoo, East Asia Province Leader, Sr. Rebecca Kay Thi Oo (Myanmar) and Sr. Guadalupe Bautista (Philippines).
Day 1
Reflecting upon core values
Regina and Rebecca led us to the life story of St. Mary Euphrasia, recalling the inner journey, reflecting on personal call, embracing the roots and valuing the experiences in religious life. From our own realities we learned to get in touch with Divine invitation to every day renewal. The sisters reflected deeply on what change each one personally is being called to make for the sake of the mission.
Called to change and grow
We were also invited to review and embrace the current strengths and challenges of community life/ spirituality/ mission and formation. In our personal and communal journey “a call to change” is “a natural process of growth”. This helps to consider ways to make our ministries more relevant and effective.
Leadership for Mission

Sharing our dreams
The day ended by sharing together our dreams for the Sector. We all want to move forward with a lot of hope and faith and a desire to love and support one another.
Day 2
A graceful day, of prayer and reflection
Guada led us through different ways of prayer and discernment using Lectio Divina, Theological Reflection and Contemplative Dialogue. In silent reflection each of us let the Word of God become ‘the delight and the joy’ of our hearts. In creating a “we” space we were encouraged to listen attentively to one another and to build on one another thoughts. Through this exercise we experienced a deeper and wonderful meaning of communion.
Day 3
Comprehensive plans for the future
The Assembly ended full of energy and hope for the future by concrete plans of each community in all areas: spirituality, mission, community life, justice, peace and integration of creation, formation and partnership in mission. These plans followed “SMART” format: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. All communities are encouraged to carry out these plans faithfully. The assured result of these exercises is the experience a deep personal and communal renewal that brings about a life-giving and joyful community.
Some Sisters' reflections
“I was very happy to attend the Sector Assembly. I learned new ways of organizing and participating in an assembly. What remains in me is the atmosphere of sacredness and openness. It was a deepening and meaningful time for me.” (Myriam Theresa Bui)
“I was happy to see all the sisters together at the Sector Assembly. I felt like I had gained more strength and being renewed to live religious life. I also had the opportunity to look back on myself, to understand other sisters better, as well as to see more clearly the reality of our Congregation in Vietnam.” (Angela Van)
“The Assembly was very meaningful! It brought everyone warmth and a sense of closeness to one another. Some of the unknown and misunderstanding were dissolved. The meeting was taken place in a sacred space and light atmosphere which helped everyone involved and contributed enthusiastically! Many thanks to the facilitators!” (Jacinta Duong)
More photos
Click here - 2017 Sector Assembly in Vietnam
Submitted by Sr Joanna Le
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