martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Formation Session for the Leadership Teams - Latin America - February 2015

February 9th, 2015, a moving Eucharist marked the beginning of the formation the Provincial Leadership Teams of REAL Region. 55 participants are present coming from 9 different Provinces. Sister Eliene Barros welcomed all the participants greeting them in the name of Sister Brigid and of the CLT Sisters. She introduced Sisters Susan Chia, Elaine Basinger, Evelyn Fergus and Josita Corera who will facilitate the development of the session.

The CLT Sisters who will accompany the formation process are: Rita Lourenco, Eliene Barros, Reina Escobar and Jude Ellen. Sisters Guicela Vargas, Cristina Rodriguez, María José Correia, Francisca Ponce, Rosa Abello will support the group in different capacities. Daniela Persia is our translator.

The theme which was developed the first day is: “Creating sacred space of conversation - turning to one Another”. Sister Elaine Basinger introduced the theme inviting us to dance and to let the Spirit to dance in the heart of each of us.

Then, in an atmosphere of trust, openness, simplicity and creativity each Province presented how they have seen the role of leadership changing in the last 10 years in their own Unit, what encourage us and what are the most urgent challenges. The common element of the shared experience has been the journey towards a circular, participatory, inclusive leadership based on dialogue.

The day ended with a moment of prayer during which we had the opportunity to deepen the following question: What is trying to emerge in my heart for this Leadership Session?

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