With the initiative of Father Jean-Michel Amouriaux, Superior Generaloft he Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudist Fathers) we publish the “Prayer for the Eudist Vocations”. The text of this prayer was composed by our Father General and it has been translated in five languages (French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian) to invite the whole Eudist Family to have an ambience of trusting prayer to the Lord, in order to go on promoting many vocations for this blessed Congregation whose Superiors are Jesus and Mary.
Lord Jesus, we adore you. You call your disciples to remain with you. You form them and send them to announce the Good News of salvation. We adore you precisely in this call and in the choice of these men who consecrate their lives to the service of your mission. With you, Jesus, we adore the Father, source of the Word and origin of all vocations.
Lord Jesus, we give you thanks for being the living Word of the Father, for being our High Priest and our Good Shepherd. We give you thanks for establishing your Church in the power of the Holy Spirit and we bless you for calling priests among your disciples. In your footsteps and by your grace, they announce the Gospel; they celebrate your Name and serve their brothers and sisters. Lord, we are full of gratitude because you have founded our Congregation by your servant
Saint John Eudes and you have called us to be its members
Lord Jesus, kneeling before you, we ask for forgiveness for our infidelities, our tepidness and our disobedience. We have wasted our inheritance and we are unfaithful. Only your mercy can lift us up and allow us to look at the future with confidence.
Therefore, Lord Jesus, we beg you to give rise to new vocations in all the Provinces of the
Congregation. We also ask you for the human and financial means so that those who join us will be formed in an exemplary way, so that the Congregation fulfills its own vocation in the Church. To this end, we pray to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word Incarnate, with Saint John Eudes, with the Blessed Eudist Martyrs and the confreres who preceded us on the path of the mission.

Heart of Jesus and Mary, we greet you. Our confidence and our love are in you. Amen.
Superior General Jean-Michel Amouriaux
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Oremos pelas vocações Eudistas
Pregate per le vocazioni Eudisti
Oremos por las vocaciones eudistas
Prions ensemble pour les vocations Eudistes
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