CJM-Rome/Communications: Aude, you are an Associate from the Province of France. You are now working in the General House of the Congregation in Rome as a Project manager for the Superior General. Is this correct?
Aude Bauguin (A.B) Fully correct. As your question implies, my presence here is an answer to a call from the Superior General. We have agreed on a work contract but the Fathers very well know that my availability goes far beyond. As Superior General, Fr Jean-Michel Amouriaux has also entrusted me with an assignment including clear objectives in four major fields: external communications; internal communications; contributing to a reflection on the Associates and enhancing the Eudist spirituality.
CJM-Rome/Communications: The present encounter focuses on communications. What are the media proper to the Congregation?
(A.B) As in any Congregation, the media proper to the CJM have been drawn up to aim different targets. A set of media are proper to each Province. In this domain, however, the Provinces have unequal means at their disposal. For example, the Vice-Province of Africa and the Province of Venezuela don’t yet have the Internet. On the other side, the Province of North America and the Philippines has many Websites and is very active on social networks. Another set of media that are directly under my responsibility are those relating to international and interprovincial levels in the Congregation.
One of the first tasks I tackled when I took over the Communications Bureau in the General House was to put up a directory of the «official» media of the Congregation. The main reason for this is that there are many references to the Eudists, and they are applied very unevenly on Websites, blog postings, pages, postings on social networks not to forget the radio communications and paper media. Not to mention the countless media related to the Corporation of Minuto de Dios, an expert in this field.
At the Congregation level, the official communication media ar the following:
1. Internet - http://www.cjm.org
2. Blog posting - https://cjmnews-eudistas.blogspot.com.co/
3. Newsletter - CJM News (To subscribe) cjmcom@yahoo.com
4. Facebook - Eudistes/Eudistas/Eudists/c.j.m (https://www.facebook.com/eudistas.cjm )
5. Twitter - https://twitter.com/CjmRome
6. WhatsApp - « Form Jesus » (To subscribe) cjmcom@yahoo.com
(A.B) Oh yes, it is indeed a lot of work! One may say that the Eudists are very a very creative bunch of communicators! Fortunately, all these media don’t have the same goals and don’t require the same updating depending on their vocation. To be more specific, I would answer your question this way. Communications is a domain where you can’t afford to be working all by yourself! All those who feel they can give a hand can join me by e-mail cjmcom@yahoo.com or WhatsApp 33 (0) 6 15 24 21 55 and offer their help and their talent.
In the House, I have daily meetings with Fr Amouriaux; when he is away, we keep in touch regularly. I also work very closely with the Vicar General and the Secretary General. This allows me to gather information for articles I can write. In addition, there is work to be done with the international teams. For example, from 2 p.m., I know I can join Hermes or Pacho who are the indispensable partners relaying to produce CJM NEWS which is posted on the Website every two weeks, either on Friday or Monday.
CJM-Rome/Communications: What about the Provinces?
(A.B) I have recently sent an e-mail to all those who have been appointed by their Provincial or have been identified as being accountable for communications to a certain degree. This amounts to a team of about thirty people. Even though everyone didn’t answer my call, many took time to introduce themselves. I can see the group is slowly growing up. If we want to show an accurate picture of the Congregation, we must work together as a team. Since we have different skills, we should therefore put together our know-how in addition to updating our information.
CJM-Rome/Communications: What are your projects?
(A.B) Oh, that’s not what is missing! One of the important projects in the pipeline is to review the website cjm.org to identify a hierarchy in all these media and the role they are playing.
You may have noticed how we have been trying to improve the Newsletter CJM News. Slowly but surely, a new model is beginning to take shape, systematically translated in three languages, French, English and Spanish, so it will become easier to read while keeping the liveliness of an abundant information.
One other point we must work on is the harmonisation of our image. I have suggested that we adopt the logo of the last General Assembly and the phrase «To form Jesus». In this way, each website, each page on whatever social network related to the Congregation would refer to the five-year plan that has been suggested by this Assembly. At this moment, the page on Facebook Eudistes, Eudistas, Eudists cjm, Twitter and CJM News already display the image of the impulse we want to give in the Congregation. This harmonization is of the utmost importance if we want to render the Eudist reality in all its strength on the Web and in the whole world.
Among the latest projects, I’m happy to mention two major pieces of work. First, together with Robert Fleuret, an Associate from France, we are developing a picture gallery, on-line, related to saint John Eudes. The second important dossier is the university site on Internet related to the doctorate. We are working very closely with Bishop Luc Crepy and Sister Marie-Françoise Le Brizaut on this subject. Father Jean-Rémy Côté also participates by giving access to his documentary fund which is particularly well stocked and abundant.
In order to keep on developing and even more, I’m presently working on creating a team of proofreaders and translators (French, Spanish English, Portuguese and Italian). I take this opportunity to make an appeal to everyone who would be willing to give a helping hand. I am sometimes annoyed when I must publish an article that I’ve had to translate by myself knowing that it must contain mistakes because I don’t master the English and Spanish languages as well as my native tongue. I consider this team of translators should be a challenge for a Congregation such as the Eudists who have far-reaching objectives.
CJM-Rome/Communications: You seem to be happy…
(A.B) How shouldn’t I be! As a Eudist Associate for a dozen years, I met with John Eudes when I was twenty and we haven’t left ourselves since! I wish all those who are believers to encounter a witness of the Lord who will help them structure their Christian life, with huge confidence and closeness to the burning love of merciful God. I am blessed with the joy of being to service to such radiance and I can only be grateful.
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