During the 9 days which precede the celebration of our Founder, we ask Jesus and Mary, the Superiors of our Congregation, so that the power of the Holy Spirit fills our hearts. So, the Spirit of the truth will cleanse us of all which clutters our internal life and the Spirit of freedom will urge us to love more and to give us to the mission "Cord magno et animo volenti.”
Every day, after the brief proposed meditation, we’ll pray Ave Cor (if possible in community or in a group). This novena can be done by the incorporated and the candidates, by the friends and the partners, and by all the people who are united with us in spirit.
First Day:Thursday, August 10th
We give you thanks, Lord for the gift of the life which you gave to John Eudes, for the faith of his parents, for his youth and for the benefactors who allowed him to respond to his vocation. Also we give you thanks for our family who helped us to grow, for all those who accompanied us and who support us with their resources. Help us to use them for your greatest glory.
Second Day: Friday, August 11th
We give you thanks, Father of the heaven for you have called John Eudes to the Christian life and have united him to your Son Jesus with the strength of Holy Spirit on the day of his baptism. We bless you for all the fruits, which have been spread by this baptismal call. Also, we too have great joy and gratitude for our baptism and the fruits of holiness which spring from it despite or our own sinfulness. Make us promoters of the nobility of the baptismal vocation.
Third Day: Saturday, August 12th
We give you thanks, Lord Jesus the for big love of the Virgin Mary which you put in John Eudes heart and for its desire to dedicate whole himself being since his youth. Renew in us the same love of the Mother of God and our desire to make her known and loved.
Fourth Day: Sunday, August 13th
We give you thank Jesus, Messiah and Priest of the Almighty, for you called John Eudes to become a priest. We thank you for his beginnings with the Oratory of Cardinal de Bérulle, which welcomed him. We thank you for our own vocations in the service of your Church, for the diocese where we live, for all those who guided us in our formation, particularly our formators and those who assume responsibilities in our Provinces.
Fifth Day: Monday, August 14th
We give you thanks Jesus, the Messenger of the Father for the apostolic zeal of Fr. John Eudes, missionary priest, tireless preacher of the Gospel and the eminent witness of Gods boundless mercy. We glorify you for all the fruits of the missions of our Founder, for those who collaborated with him and for his numerous benefactors, for whom we continue to pray. We thank you for the missions assumed today by the Congregation. We put all of it back in your hands.
Sixth Day: Tuesday, August 15th
We give you thanks Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, for the opening the heart of John Eudes had to the sufferings of his time and particularly to the suffering women. We praise you for the foundation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd. For by the zeal of the Sisters innumerable lives have been touched and transformed. Make us steadfast in our dedication to work to promote the dignity of human life, especially for those most at risk and marginalized.
Seventh Day: Wednesday, August 16th
We give you thanks, Jesus and Mary for the foundation of our Congregation through St. John Eudes. Yes, a Saint has established us, which is a privilege and a responsibility. You who are the Superiors of the Congregation, we beg you to work for the renewal of the hearts and spirits of the followers of St. John Eudes. May the life of St. John Eudes deeply inspire his sons to live in holy brotherhood with charity for all and inflame in all burning desire to form Jesus in the hearts of the priests and the faithful.
Eighth Day: Thursday, August 17th
We thank you, holy Mother of God, in your Admirable Heart for the follower of St. John Eudes. We give you thanks for all of the examples of holy lives lived in the Church. We bless you for all of the other religious communities, which were born and are still being born into our Eudist spiritual family. We entrust to you the work of establishing the St. John Eudes's doctorate for the greater good of the entire Church.
Ninth Day: Friday, August 18th (memory of the blessed martyrs Charles-Nicolas Ancel and his companions)
We give you thanks for the feast day of our Father John Eudes, when you, O Holy Trinity when you crowned him with the joy of eternal life. We give you thanks for our martyred brothers in France, and for all those of our Family whose trial in beatification is in process. Revive in us the desire of holiness and keep us in fraternal communion with our spiritual Father, St. John Eudes.
P. Jean-Michel Amouriaux, cjm
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