“Love is the measure of our faith in Jesus Christ. And our love must be concrete. We must show our love in works of love. We are doing this every day in our parishes, schools, charities and ministries. Through our works of love, we are showing our faith and making God’s love known to the people in our world.”
Excerpt from Archbishop José Gomez’s 2013 Together In Mission Message. Read the entire message.
Why Together In Mission Is Important - Together In Mission is a program that keeps many of the needy parishes and schools in our Archdiocese open to serve their communities and fulfill the important mission of the Church. Without the aid provided by Together In Mission, many churches and schools in underprivileged areas would need to close. We must assure that all people of our Archdiocese are able to receive the message and love of Christ, and so that we can “bear witness to our most disadvantaged neighbors that our Christian love never fails.”
How It Works - The program is based on a shared vision that all parishes of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles must work together to achieve the important goals of the program. For this purpose, a commitment amount is determined for each parish based on a percentage of a parish’s regular donations and income. Parishioners are asked to pledge and donate to fulfill the commitment. However if pledges fall short, then the parish must fulfill the commitment from regular parish funds. The money is then distributed based on need - it is dedicated solely to help needy parishes and is not used for any other purpose, except that any donation from a parish in excess of that parish’s commitment is returned to that parish to be used for local needs and programs. Even parishes which receive assistance from Together In Mission are expected to fulfill their commitment to the program as a real sign that we are all in this mission together as one Church.

How We’re Doing - Thanks to the generosity of many of our parish families we have exceeded our pledge amount and are near achieving our total commitment goal! So if you have an open pledge amount, please be certain to complete your pledge by the end of the year so that our commitment amount will be met. And if your family has not yet made a pledge, please consider what you can give and make a pledge or donation today - whatever amount you can - because there are still important benefits to our parish that can be realized from your support. Every pledge is important, especially yours!
Main source, St. John Eudes Catholic Church...
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