Father John Howard CJM, Superior of the US Region of the Eudist Fathers, announces the death of Father
John Coll Shinsky, CJM on July 19, 2013 at the Poway Health Care Center in Poway, California..
Father Shinsky was born June 6, 1943 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the son of Walter Joseph Shinsky and Mary Coll. He is survived by his sister, Joan Shinsky of Sun City Center, Florida.
After graduation from Calvert Hall in Baltimore and following a time of discernment, he
requested to join the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, The Eudists, and spent a period of probation with the Eudist community at Cardinal Dougherty High School in Buffalo, New York. He was incorporated into the Congregation of Jesus and Mary on December 2, 1966 as a Brother. From 1967 to 1971, he pursued studies at Canisius College in Buffalo, receiving a BA in English, and in 1973 a MS in English. In 1972 he received Permanent Certification in Social Studies from the State of New York.
Brother John began his teaching career at Cardinal Dougherty High School which was staffed by the Eudists. He taught English and History and later was the Chairperson for the History Department. In 1974 he received a MA in History at Niagara University, Niagara Falls NY and with certification in Counseling he was named the Director of Guidance at the high school until June 1979. When the Diocese of Buffalo closed Cardinal Dougherty H S, John spent over a year helping with the care of Father George Fitzgerald, CJM at Laval des Rapides in Quebec. Then continuing his ministry in the field of education, he joined the Eudists as a History teacher and Guidance Counselor at Marian High School in the San Diego Diocese.
Ordination to the Presbyterate
John Coll Shinsky, CJM
Oct. 23rd, 1993
After celebrating the 25th anniversary of his incorporation into the Congregation of
Jesus and Mary, from 1990 -1991 he completed a Sabbatical Program of Studies at SAT, the School of Applied Theology of the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, California. Following this time of reflection, he requested to continue to study theology and prepare for the priesthood. In May 1993, he was awarded a Masters of Theological Studies from the Franciscan School of Theology at Berkeley.

Soon afterward he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and eventually cut back to occasional parish ministry and he benefitted from the support of Father James Burson, CJM. With the progression of the disease, his condition forced him to give up considerable freedom and for the last five years was bedridden. He took the opportunity to indulge in his passion for reading, especially the psalms and in the field of history.
During this time, Ruthann Besterci, an Eudist Associate, served as his health care
advocate, and he also appreciated her care and concern and everything she did to make his life easier by her frequent visits with strawberry milk shakes. Through his entire illness he never questioned his condition nor expressed a complaint and even considered it a gift from God.
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at St James Church, Solana Beach, CA on August 19th. On this day, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of St. John Eudes, and on this day we will also celebrate Father John Coll Shinsky’s joining our founder in the Lord’s presence. Then his cremains will be transported to Baltimore for a Memorial Mass celebrated by Father William Rowland, CJM at the Shrine of the Little Flower (the parish Church where John received his First Communion) and internment in the family plot at Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Baltimore, MD.
We offer his family and friends, the Eudist family of San Diego and the US Region, along with the entire Eudist province of North America, our most sincere condolences and invite all to keep John in their prayers.
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