miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Together we stand with FOCSIV in support of migrants in Europe

Europe is facing a great crisis of solidarity when it comes to migrants, including the great number of Syrians forced to flee their homeland due to war.

That’s why we fully support FOCSIV (Federazione Organismi Cristiani Internazionale Volontario), Italy’s largest international volunteer association, and the letter it underwrote that calls on Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzo to make political choices that put people and their lives first.

The letter among many things asks European council members to stop the construction of walls in Greece and the Balkans, to create additional safe entryways into Europe and to continue to support search and rescue missions. Here is the link to full letter.

FOCSIV is member of Concord Italia, which is part of the European confederation that represents over 2,400 ONGs. Concord Italia drafted the original letter to Premier Renzi.

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