jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

The Interprovincial prayer of March 19th.

By the Province of France.

On March 19th 2013, Pope Francis, the day he started his ministery said: Let's never forget that the real power is service and that the Pope himself to exert the power must get more and more into this service which has its luminous acme on the Cross. He must look towards St. Joseph's humble, strong and faithful service and like him open his arms to keep the whole people of God and welcome the whole humanity with fondness and love, specially the poorest, the weakest and the smallest.

As it is March 19th, St. Joseph's feast day let's say toge the his litany as Jean Eudes advises us. (in the book of prayers of the CJM, page 9. "Ave Joseph")

To live this Lent, after having honoured the interior as well as the exterior humiliations, privations and vexations our Lord endured all his l'iLife, specially when he was in the desert. For the fifth week, Jean Eudes asks us to honour specially the inner and outer suffering born during his Passion..

TEXT N° 8 in the lectionary "The love of the Cross "(from the beginning...to the end of the first paragraph)

Text N° 8 in the lectionary, last paragraph: from “Adore the very holy......."
All together (if you are in a group transform the infinitives into the present, 1st person. Ex: I or we adore the very holy will of God), to the end of the text.


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