miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Friday of the Passion of the Lord

JOHN 18:1-19:42

The Good Friday

Fr. Mike Dupo, CJM

GOOD FRIDAY as what we called this second day of the Holy Triduum is a historical event. The death of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Calvary of the Cross brought Christianity to a religion which gives value to the sufferings. He showed to us that those sufferings in our lives are not senseless and useless.

The cross which is a shameful capital punishment during the time of the Roman Empire had been elevated to the most visible expression of God’s Love to all humanity. Was not that GOOD for all of us believers? Jesus gave up His Own Will to follow Will of the Father “Your Will be done and not My Will.” Jesus gave up everything in his own life and surrendered everything to God until he reached His last breath of life, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” The Good thing with this, while He was agonizing, He was able to ask the Father to forgive those who did wrong to Him, His persecutors, and those sinners like us. The Good thing with this while He was hanging on the Cross and dying a repentant thief asked Him if he could be with Him in paradise. Jesus answered the repentant thief at that very moment he would be with Him in paradise. We have the same destination like the repentant thief if we are sincere to change our hearts from being a sinner.

The Good thing with this He entrusted His Mother Mary to John and he willingly accepted his responsibility to take care of her. This is very symbolic which Jesus entrusting also our Mother Church to those whom He has called to become good shepherds of the church. There were many Good happened on this very day of the Lord’s Passion.

We received the greatest love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion what else we could ask for more. It is time for us to ponder on all of these great mysteries. It is time for us to share to our fellow neighbor. It is time for us to express our heartfelt gratitude to GOD who made all of these possible.

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