“For all of us, then, the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year is a favorable time to overcome our existential alienation by listening to God’s word and by practicing the works of mercy. . . By touching the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering, sinners can receive the gift of realizing that they too are poor and in need.
Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2016
Through our Lenten preparations we contemplate the events leading up to the Passion of our Lord. And when we commemorate Holy Week, we deepen our focus on His sacrifice and His glorious triumph over darkness. To help you, we have created opportunities to bring you closer to Christ and spend more time in the sacraments as we take our journey toward our Easter celebration.
February 10 thru March 24 - All Days thru Holy Saturday
40 Days for Life - Our society has accepted norms that are hostile to and destructive of human life. Abortion has killed millions of those who could not defend themselves. But Lent gives us an opportunity to reflect and to renew ourselves, a time to pray for a better world. The "40 Days for Life Campaign" asks that we join them in daily prayer to help curb and eliminate the evils caused by abortion and other anti-life practices in our society. Visit the 40 Days for Life website to download daily devotional prayers for each day of Lent up to Holy Week. You can also help end abortion and help change the minds of women seeking an abortion by praying at abortion clinics in the San Fernando Valley during Lent. More information is available on the San Fernando Valley 40 Days for Life website.
The Jubilee Year of Mercy - Pope Francis has declared this to be the "Jubilee Year of Mercy". As appropriate for this season of reflection and meditation, we are called not to forget that “God forgives all, and God forgives always.”
St. John Eudes Gift Shop - This special ministry is provided to assist in your personal religious growth and spirituality. Proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to help maintain parish programs and facilites, as well as provide support for other parish ministries. Religious items for Lent and Holy Wook will help inspire a deeper understanding of the meaning of the season.
Fasting and Abstinence - As Catholics we observe special rules of fasting and abstinence during Lent to help us focus on the meaning of this period of spiritual renewal and rebirth in preparation for Easter.
Rice Bowls - Catholic Relief Service’s "Operation Rice Bowl" is a special Lenten collection program that helps feed the poor around the world. You are asked to collect your loose change in "Rice Bowls" that will be collected at all Palm Sunday weekend Masses and during Holy Week at the parish office. The Rice Bowls are available in the church narthex.
Together In Mission - During Lent we are called to help others by giving alms to those in need. In Archbishop Gomez’s special message about Together In Mission.
giving alms, we are preparing ourselves spiritually for the coming of Easter and are giving a part of ourselves to others. You can make a very special Lenten offering by helping to support Together In Mission. Together In Mission is an important program that keeps many of the needy parishes and schools in our Archdiocese open to serve their communities and fulfill the important mission of the Church. Please consider what you can give to Together In Mission and make a pledge or donation today. Pledge envelopes are available in the church narthex or parish office. Please help Together In Mission keep the hope of Christ alive in all the parishes in our Archdiocese. (Note: Donatons to Together In Mission are dedicated solely to help needy parishes and not used for any other purpose, except that any donations in excess of our goal will be returned to our parish for local needs and programs.) Watch
The Capital Campaign - “With Burning Hearts Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” - Our growing faith community presents great opportunities for us to continue the mission that Christ calls us to fulfill – a mission to which we have dedicated ourselves. The key to our success as a parish will be the investment we must make into the means and resources necessary to accomplish our mission and so meet the changes and needs the future undoubtedly calls us to face. It has been a number of years
since any major capital investment has been made into the parish or school. Changes in technology, the growth in the number of parish families, expanding ministries, maintenance needs and expenses, Pope Francis’ call for environmental stewardship and a number of other factors have resulted in a critical turning point for our parish. Today there are new and unmet needs in our parish, as well as new expectations of our church. These require capital improvements to assure our church facilities remain functional, effective and welcoming, as well as to position our parish for a strong future. Your support of our Capital Campaign is a wonderful way to meet the Lenten call to give of yourself to assure that Christ’s sacrifice will remain a blessing for us and future generations.
February 10 - Ash Wednesday (A Day of Fast & Abstinence)
Ash Wednesday - Our Lenten journey begins today as we receive ashes to remind us of our mortality and need for repentance and forgiveness. While not a Holy Day of Obligation, there are a number of services planned which you may attend to help you begin your Lenten observance. Masses with distribution of ashes will be at 6:30 am, 8:30 am, 12:15 pm, 2:00 pm (School), 4:15 pm (Religious Ed), 5:30 pm, and 7:30 pm (Bilingual) in the church. Additional information is available in the bulletin.
February 12 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm
in the church.
February 13 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
Celebration of the Our Lady of Lourdes Apparition - Mary’s great suffering at the death of her Son is an underlying Lenten theme. But there is also great rejoicing in her Apparition at Lourdes 159 years ago. You are invited to share in this joy at this very special celebration. 3:30 pm in the church.
February 14 - First Sunday of Lent
Catholic Relief Services “Rice Bowls” - During Lent we are called to give to those who are less fortunate. Catholic Relief Services “Rice Bowls” will be available at all weekend Masses to help you collect your donation that will make a big difference to many people around the world.
SJE School 8th Grade Legacy Gift Fundraiser - Our school’s graduating class has a tradition of
leaving a legacy gift showing their love and appreciation for their school, aptly appropriate in reflecting the love central to the Lenten season. The class will be offering Valentine’s Day gifts for nominal donations in the Plaza after all Masses.
February 17 - Wednesday

February 19 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend - The focus of the Lenten season is love, and the love between a husband and wife is a gift from God. Husbands and wives are called to maintain, strengthen, and rekindle this love through deepened communications and sacramental renewal. This is a three day event at the Best Western in Canoga Park. Reservations required.
Retrouvaille - Married couples may experience difficult times in their relationship that may lead to misery or disillusionment. But Lent provides a special time to renew mercy and forgiveness in our relationships. The Retrouvaille program is designed provide the opportunity for rediscovery and get a marital relationship back on track. This is a weekend event. Registration required.
Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm
in the church.
February 20 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
Service Saturday - Lent is a time of sacrifice and reflection and this year, in keeping with our call to give to the poor and needy, we will join together as community for a parish service day to directly help the poor. At 10:00 am at MEND Poverty in Pacoima (all are welcome including children 8 and up).

February 21 - Second Sunday of Lent
Sandwich Sunday - We come together as a parish community by bringing food and making sandwiches to feed the poor in our area. A truly special way to become involved in the Lenten spirit. After the 12:45 pm Mass in Grill Hall.
February 26 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the church.
February 27 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
Wine Tasting Spectacular - The SJE Men’s Council has a long tradition of supporting charitable causes at our parish and in the community in support of the Lenten call to help those in need. This is one of the Council’s annual events to raise funds for their charitable efforts. Nominal donation. 6:30 pm in Grill Hall.
March 4 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Spend some time in adoration and meditation of the Blessed Sacrament and reflect on the meaning of Lent in respect to this great gift from God. Beginning after the 8:30 am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6:00 pm in the church.

Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the church.
March 5 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
March 11 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the church.
March 12 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
March 18 - Friday (A Day of Abstinence)
Soup & Stations - Join us for Soup at 6:00 pm in Grill Hall and then Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the church.
March 19 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
March 26 - Saturday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast - All men of the parish are invited to this weekly breakfast and fellowship which takes on a special perspective during Lent. There will be a presentation of the Catholism series by Bishop Robert Barron during the breakfast meeting. 6:30 am in Grill Hall.
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