viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Closing liturgy of the AP ICA - October 17 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Mission partners ( Sisters and Lay partners) at the AP ICA ( Asia Pacific Intercontinental Assembly)
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Introduction - Closing Liturgy

We have journeyed together – Sisters and Lay mission partners – as one.Over these days, we have been challenged to go beyond borders, to risk for mission.We have been called to work in a co-responsible / partnership model of inclusion and equality, to grow our capacity for mission.

We have seen the need to restructure, to maximize our resources and potential for mission. We have reflected, discerned and shared on “what is this time” calling us to as a region and congregation. And we have already stepped into our future by naming priority for the region and congregation. And now we are ready to journey back to our countries, units and into the mission.

Reflection after the scripture Luke 4:16 -21

When Jesus preached hope for the poor for the captive, for the blind and the oppressed, he had in view all who were marginalized, outcast and abused in the society.

When we hear Jesus speak to them, such phrases as good news, release, recovery and let go free, they are promises of social change – breaking down structure that are oppressive. Jesus also reminds us that he has received God’s Spirit in order to bring about a new society as well as a new humanity.

It encourage and inspires us to understand that the gifting of the Holy Spirit is of great consequence for our lives implying we too have made a fundamental choice of following in the footsteps of Jesus, going beyond borders, becoming agents of social change.
We too are called to be energized by the same Spirit to create covenant community and to risk together to respond to the needs of society.

During this celebration we also had the Missioning of Chapter delegates.


1 comentario:

  1. Impresionante artículo. La claridad y el detalle en tu exposición sobre las academias preuniversitarias son dignos de reconocimiento. Tienes un excelente manejo del tema, lo que facilita la comprensión del lector. Apoyo mucho las recomendaciones prácticas que ofreces sobre cómo elegir la mejor academia. Esto brindará una gran ayuda a quienes buscan prepararse para la universidad. Para más información relevante, sugiero consultar este Directorio.
