The meeting takes place in Fusagasugá (Colombia) with the participation of the Fathers Camilo Bernal (Rome – General House), Carlos Álvarez (Colombia Valmaría General Council), Ovidio Muñoz (Medellin – Colombia), Carlos Juliao (Colombia Uniminuto), Efren Santacruz (Conocoto - Ecuador), Laurent Tournier (France), Gerard Lecompte (USA ), Sanin Dávila (Mexico), Gregorio Rodriguez (Minuto de Dios), Saturnin Lawson (Africa), Martin Solano (Caracas, Venezuela), Edem Afoutou Anselm (Philippines), Vanegas Amado (Brazil) and Rafael Viloria (Venezuela). Milton P. Lopez, general treasurer, attended the morning session of October 28.
The session starts on Sunday 26th at night, with a prayer and welcoming remarks by Father Carlos Alvarez, head of the General Council of this meeting, the presentation of the attendees and the agenda of the session and number of supporting documents. All participants in some way have some experience in forming Eudist candidates. This meeting is very important in view of the forthcoming General Council (2014), the Congress on Eudist identity and mission (2015), the provincial assemblies (2016) and the General Assembly of 2017. The meeting will also analyze the situation of the initial Eudist training parting from the specific of each formation house (eleven in total). Similarly, the gathering will look at how to implement the decisions from the 65th General Assembly and how to improve the quality of training our candidates with proposals regarding the initial and ongoing or permanent formation to the events mentioned above as part of the Eudist identity and mission. Certain objectives for this meeting are hereby emphasized:
- To foster mutual encounter of the current CJM formatters with a view to establish Eudist Trainers Network.
- Each Formation House will submit a report so as to build a common vision to raise future prospects.
- Addressing the relationship between Eudist pastoral vocation and the initial training.
- To review the Eudist training Ratio (2010) and suggest the required modifications.
- Reporting on Special Time for Eudist training (TEFE acronym in Spanish) and propose criteria (especially in content) common to all the CJM.
- To reflect on the Eudist identity that is offered to candidates taking into account their profile and that of their formatter.
- To establish a joint and coordinated work plan to encourage training in the CJM (the formatters to work in a coordinated style).
Translated by C.I. Rochereau
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