Teens and adults from St. James Youth Ministry will be serving the poor of the Dominican Republic this July.
Can you help us raise $5,000 to do construction and maintenance on houses and food distribution in the village of Samon?
What does this $5,000 entail?
There is a poor Catholic family there in Samon. Part of their structure is cardboard and the floor in the kitchen is mud. For $3000 we could lay a foundation for the house. There is more work that needs to be done, but that is a good start.
We also hope to buy food there in the Dominican to make packages of rice, beans and some protein to distribute in Samon and other villages and communities (to be determined). $1500 is a good starting point.
Finally, there is some painting on some houses that need to be done in Samon. $500 would be for paint and supplies.
Please make your check payable to St. James (and put in the memo “SJYM Mission Trip projects”). You may drop your check off with Gail in the parish office.
If you’re not able to contribute financially, we could always use donations of the following:
- Lightly used shoes (that are still wearable) for children and adults
- Used clothes (particularly dressier clothing i.e. dress shirts, slacks, suits, dresses, etc.)
- Children’s underwear
- Sports equipment
If you have any questions, please contact Pat Villa.
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