Today, we have concluded the 13th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel. Throughout this chapter, we had been listening and reading, Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven. The three parables which we have heard in today’s Gospel, describes the great value of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The first two parables talks about hidden treasure and pearl. He sold everything in order to obtain the full possession of the new things. Although the third parable is different than other two parables, but the Evangelist tells that after collecting the fish, they kept the good and throw away the bad fish. These three parables contains two actions: 1. Detachment and 2. Attachment, and one object: Kingdom of Heaven.
Let me share you with an Indian folk story:
There was a young boy who wanted to be a guru. One day, he met a guru who was passing through his city. Boy immediately followed him. When guru saw a boy, he told him, “you are too young, therefore go back and live your life,” but the boy insisted. Guru did not stop him again. On the way, a boy found a precious stone which he immediately picked and put it into his bag. Now the evening came and they were passing through the jungle. Boy shared his worry and was asking again and again from the guru, ‘when this jungle is going to be end.’ Every time, master simply replied, ‘boy ‘throw whatever you have and you will be in peace.’ But boy did not throw and at the same time his worry was getting increase. At the end, boy throw away the precious stone and he felt peace and secure.
In order to enter in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a need to detach from all those things which we consider precious to us. Certainly, those things can be precious to us, but in the Kingdom of Heaven is more important to follow the Lord with whole heart, “The LORD OUR God is one LORD; and you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Deut. 6:4).
Through the sacrament of Baptism, we all became the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, “Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2: 10), therefore as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, each one of us is called to detach ourselves from all those things which does not allow us to see the generosity of the Lord and experience the Mercy of the Lord. Let’s sell or throw all those things which are blocking us to do the charity towards our needy brothers and sisters. Let’s throw away all over bad habits and put our trust on the Lord because the Lord cares about us, “Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5: 7).
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