FIRST CYCLE: Fraternize with joy
We have the good habit in the Interdiocesan Seminary of Orléans to begin our academic years with sessions of cycle, a session which gave a good dynamics to our life of first cycle. It is an opportunity to create links between those who are entering in the seminary and those who were already there last year. Nothing better to get acquainted that to share moments of conviviality. By cooking the dinner and washing the plates, we fraternized in an obvious enjoyment. By the initiation to ride horse and the walk in Loiret we confided or rediscovered our talents. By the common prayer we made community, gather by and around the Christ. With the director of the first cycle who came with us, we were welcomed during these three days by the carmel of Micy. The Carmelites took time to share with us their spiritual experience and the Mother Superior to explain us the functioning of their community. I was personally touched to see the important place that prayer for the seminarists has in the prayer of the sisters. It is the beautiful brotherhood of Church that strengthens our way of formation.
Author : Jean-Baptiste G.
SECOND CYCLE: Configure to the Christ … What a program!
It is the proposition of the new Ratio Fundamentalis, for the second cyle in the seminary (3rd, 4th and 5th years of formation). And to make us reflect about this new orientation that proposes us Rome, father Sylva Compagny took us three days to discover his diocese, Nevers, its characteristics, and to meet some « priests of today » there.
Discovery of the circuit of Magny-Cours, exclusive presentation of wings by a manufacturer; the afternoon : tasting ! We met our countries, with an animation of oenology in Pouilly; we visited a former oil-works restored by passionate volunteers; we lunched with fresh products of the kitchen garden cooked lovingly by a young priest of the diocese; evening confidences with one old priest who was very truth with us revealing all the enjoyment which he had known and the limits which he met in the exercise of his rural ministry;
Visit of the excavations of the cathedral of Nevers; encouragements of a bishop who knows certainly the same pastoral problems as our small respective dioceses of countryside; simple but very compelling meetings with committed parishioners; sharings and reflections around the new prescriptions of Rome for our formation; and good brotherly moments around a good beer to close our days; we can say that these three days were loaded in humanity and in authenticity.
Of this small session of begining of the year which allowed us to move closer us, to discover our new director of cycle, and understand better where the priests of tomorrow will be expected, I believe that what we essentially retain are two sentences: " dare to meet and to love people, sincerely ", and " always put our trus in our Lord Jesus-Christ ".
Let us hope that these exhortations will guide us in our last years of discernment, and even maybe to accompany us all our lives, to make of us happy priests, configured to the Christ, moved by the Spirit, and radiant of God's love.
Auteur : Matthieu Jasseron (5th year, for Sens & Auxerre)
6è years: review the received formation
For our last year of seminary, we lived our last comeback with only the one of our promotion. Only those of the sixth year, with our director of the studies. These few days spent in Tours where is saint Martin's grave allowed us to seize the sense of the few last months we have to spent in the seminary. It is during the session that I really became aware that after five years of formation, it was time to make a synthesis because the end is rather close ! It is the outcome of a whole way with its enjoyments and its difficulties which allowed me to increase in humanity and to deepen my faith.
During this small session, I appreciated well the happy alternation of the spiritual, intellectual, organizational, friendly activities, and cultural! Among others, we went to see an exhibition of Lee Ufan in the " center of contemporary creation Olivier Debré ". Our reactions in front of the contemporary art were very diverse… very enriching ! … what is promising for our ultimate year in a seminary!
Auteur : Pierre FOUQUIER
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