lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Shared Eudist Prayer: offered by the North American Province, Region of San Diego

" Honoring the Heart of Mary”



The three divine perfections live and reign in the heart of the Mother of Mercy, communicating their own divine inclinations most excellently. After the heart of God Himself there never was and never shall be a heart so full of meekness, patience and clemency as the noble heart of Mary.

(The Admirable Heart, Part 5 Chapt. II, pg. 130)


Although the heart represents the whole interior of a person it is principally the symbol of love. So, in venerating the heart of Mary, we wish to honor, not a particular mystery, action or quality, not her very worthy person, but the source and origin of what makes all that is worthy and holy, that is to say, her Love and charity.

(The Admirable Heart: book II, chapt.4&5 or Lectionary#52, Pg. 172)

COLLECT: from the Mass of the Admirable Heart of Mary

O God who didst will that Thy only begotten Son who dost dwell with Thee from all eternity should live and reign in the Heart of the Virgin Mary; grant us, we beseech Thee, the grace to celebrate continually with one heart, this most holy life of Jesus and Mary, to have but one heart with them, and one among ourselves, to accomplish Thy will in all things with a generous heart and resolute will, that so we may merit to become like to Thy heart, through the same Lord.

Prayer of Intercession: Litany of the HOURS of THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

You made Mary open to your Word and faithful as your servant. Through her intercession, make us servants
and true followers of your Son.

RESPONSE: Mary, full of Grace, intercede for us.

You made Mary our Mother. Through her intercession grant strength to the weak, comfort to the sorrowing, pardon to sinners and salvation and peace to all.

RESPONSE: Mary, full of Grace, intercede for us.

You made Mary full of Grace, grant all the joyful an abundance of your Grace.

RESPONSE: Mary full of Grace, intercede for us

Concluding Prayer: "AVE COR”

AVE, Cor sanctissimum
AVE,Cor mitissimum
AVE, Cor humillimum
AVE. Cor purissimu
AVE, Cor devotissimum
AVE,Cor sapientissimum
AVE,Cor patientissimum
AVE,Cor obedientissimum
AVE, Cor vigilantissimum
AVE,Cor fidelissimum
AVE,Cor beatissimum
AVE,Cor misericordissimum
AVE,Cor amantissimum Jesu et Mariae

Te adoramus, te laudamus, te glorificamus, tibi gratias agimus

Te amamus ex toto corde nostro, ex tota anima nostra et ex totis viribus nostris

Tibi cor nostrum offerimus, donamus, consecramus, immolamus; accipe et posside illud totum et purificaet illumina et sanctifica; ut in ipso vivas et regnes et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. 

(from the Salutations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary from the Admirable Heart of Mary)



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