San Andrés is a city in the department of Santander, Colombia. In this countryside, in the midst of a humble and hardworking family, on the 21st of August 1920, Brother Evaristo Jerez was born. He would become a man difficult to forget. Through the witness of his life, many would be able to encounter the face of Christ, while receiving a formation that enlightened the mind and forged a christian spirit.
From a very young age, he began the masterpiece that God wanted to complete in him. At the age of 19, he signed up for the “noviciate” of the Eudist fathers, which took place in the seminary of San José, on the plaza of Usaquén outside Bogota. There, Br. Jerez received an infusion of knowledge in the diverse sciences of humanities, which would assure his capacity to fulfill his future missions within the Congregation. Also at this seminary in Usaquén, he drew close to the spiritual experience taught by St. John Eudes and collected in twelve large tomes, which he not only read multiple times, he also brought them to life in his day-to-day activities, from his zeal for the formation of the clergy to his inexhaustible love for the Heart of Jesus and Mary.
At the age of 21 he was moved to Venezuela, to the juniorate of Kermaíra in La Grita, which is where he decided to become permanently incorporated into the Congregation of Jesus and Mary on May 7th, 1944 – a day which he always recalled with great joy, demonstrating his uncanny ability to remember dates. Within this congregation, he dedicated more than 72 years to the service of the Church. Faithful to the rule, he lived according to the mandate of the congregation, which is the great blessing of “being a laborer in the field of evangelization, working for the renewal of the faith of the People of God, ensuring that the Church is always supplied with good pastors, and collaborating as much as possible, in the missions given by the bishops…” (Const. 2)
In the final years of his life, he always remembered with great gratitude the opportunity to have guided the first steps of adult life for future bishops, priests, and a great number of laity, teaching them to be responsible and committed. Among his memories, he recalled many names and events for which to praise the heavenly Father, thanking Him for the fruits which He allowed to emerge through these many years of loyal apostolic work in seminaries. Those of us who had the blessing to have known him feel incredibly grateful to God for having put him in our path. We will always remember his counsels, among which was his famous “be where you need to be, at the time you need to be there, and do what needs to be done.” We will remember how he taught us the value of prayer before the Eucharistic Jesus; we will remember the rosary that was almost always in his hands, worn and faded by the many passes through his fingers, which showed his great love for Mary; we will remember his simplicity, amiability, and his abnegation in forming us to be men of character.
It is not a coincidence that God invited him into His kingdom during the 19th of May 2013: the feast of Pentecost and the national day of prayer for seminaries. This most distinguished man poured his life into promoting and working for vocations. Today, he lives within the Lord, for whom he gave such faithful witness in this life. Brother Jerez, you live in the deepest and warmest memories of those who knew you, your family, your friends, who are very proud of you. You live in the history of the Eudist Congregation, which you took as your own family, which you loved so much, and in which you continue being loved; this Congregation is also very proud of you.
Jorge Yoel Mora Rodriguez, Eudist Seminarian
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