“Let us ask the Lord during this Advent time to draw us closer, closer to his mystery and do so on the path that he wants us to take: the path of humility, the path of meekness, the path of poverty, the path of recognizing we are sinners.”
Pope Francis, Papal Chapel Homily, Dec. 5, 2014
Each year at this time, the Church urges us to renew our memory of the great love God has shown for us. Advent is a time for us to be quiet, reflect and meditate on the real meaning of Christmas. During these four weeks before Christmas we should prepare our hearts and our lives as we wait for the coming of Jesus. We must focus on the promise that God made to his people and how that promise was fulfilled in the birth of Christ and will be fulfilled in his next coming. We should understand that Christ, who came once in the flesh, is prepared to come again. And that he may come, at any hour and moment, to dwell spiritually in our hearts. It is a wonderful opportunity of revitalization for us as Christians.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and celebrate the birth of Christ. The Christmas season extends from Christmas Day until the Baptism of Christ (which this year is on Jan. 10), including the Solemnity of Mary (Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day) and the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (Jan. 3).
May the blessings of the Christmas season be with you all year long!
Advent & Christmas Season Schedule at St. John Eudes
During Advent
Together in Mission - As this is the season of caring and giving, consider giving one of the greatest gifts you can give – the gift of faith. Together In Mission is a local program that keeps many of the needy parishes and schools in our Archdiocese open to serve their communities and fulfill the important mission of the Church. Without the aid provided by Together In Mission, many churches and schools in underprivileged areas would need to close. When considering your holiday gifting, please remember this important program. Your gift also provides important benefits to our parish programs since all money collected above our commitment amount is returned to us to use for our local programs. Envelopes are available in the church pews, narthex, or at the Parish Office.
St. John Eudes Gift Shop - This special ministry is provided to assist in your personal religious
growth and spirituality. Proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to help maintain parish programs and facilites, as well as provide support for other parish ministries. Religious items for Advent and Christmas will help inspire a deeper understanding of the meaning of the season.
growth and spirituality. Proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to help maintain parish programs and facilites, as well as provide support for other parish ministries. Religious items for Advent and Christmas will help inspire a deeper understanding of the meaning of the season.
Monday - November 30
Giving Tree - Pick a gift tag from the Advent Giving Tree in the church narthex for a gift collection for needy children, teens and families. It’s a wonderful way to share God’s blessings and make the holidays happy for a child. Unwrapped gifts should be returned by the weekend of Dec. 19/20.
Friday - December 4
First Friday Mass & Benediction - Celebration of the Eucharist and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are at the core of the Advent Season. 8:30 am Mass in the church, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Benediction at 6:00 pm.
Senior Funsters Christmas Party - Seniors of the parish are getting together to celebrate the season with their annual party/luncheon. They’ll be celebrating with friends, food, entertainment, a white elephant gift exchange and music. 10:30 am in Grill Hall.

Saturday - December 5
Knights of Columbus 5th Annual Christmas Dinner Dance - Our local KoC Council invites us to join in this holiday celebration that will feature a sumptuous dinner and upbeat dance music. 6:00 pm at the KoC Hall in Canoga Park.
Sunday - December 6
The Annual Christmas Boutique - “A Celebration of Gifts” - Do your Christmas shopping while helping our parish and local artisans. There’ll be craft items, home decor, jewelry, candles, religious items, food, music and more!. 8:00 am to 4:00 pm in Grill Hall.
Tuesday - December 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception - A Holy Day of Obligation that celebrates Mary’s conception free from original sin helps us focus on the deep meaning Mary has in God’s plan for the salvation of the world. Masses will be at 6:30 am, 8:30 am, 12:15 pm and 7:30 pm (bilingual).
Jubilee Year of Mercy - Pope Francis has decreed that a “Jubilee Year of Mercy” begins today. In announcing this extraordinary year, Pope Francis said “I am convinced that the whole Church — which has much need to receive mercy, because we are sinners — will find in this jubilee the joy to rediscover and render fruitful the mercy of God, with which we are all called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time.”
Wednesday - December 9
Communal Penance Service - Join us as we come together as a community to ask forgiveness for our sins and prepare ourselves to receive the blessings of Christmas. 7:30 pm in the Grill Hall (Main Hall, English - Rm. AB, Spanish).
Thursday - December 10
Mass & Healing Service - The Advent season is not only about spiritual healing, but also physical healing supported by prayer and faith. We are invited to join in celebrating healing services being held at a neighboring parish. 6:30 pm at Our Lady of Grace Church in Encino.
Bereavement Support - The holidays are an especially difficult time those those mourning a loved one. To help during these days, Drop-In Bereavement Support is available for those who need help. After the 8:30 am Mass in the church.
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Mariachis and Aztec dancers will fill our celebration with the sights, sounds, and music of Mexico in the church at the traditional Mañanitas Mass at 5:00 am and an evening Mass at 7:00 pm. Festivities begin 45 minutes before each Mass. The celebration continues after each Mass with refreshments and entertainment in Grill Hall (Note: There is no 6:30 am Mass today).
Sunday - December 13
Meal with Friends - “Laudato Si: On Care of Our Common Home” - Advent calls us to be a caring people of faith. And Pope Francis has called us to care for our planet and be better stewards of the environment. Jack Jezreel of JustFaith Ministries will present a lively discussion on the encyclical issued by Pope Francis on our environment. 12:45pm in Grill Hall (Nominal cost for lunch. Reservations required by Dec. 10).
Monday - December 14
Individual Confessions - As we await the celebration of the birth of the Light of the World, we are offered the opportunity to reconcile ourselves to that Light. Confessions will be heard from 9:00-10:00 am in the church.
Wednesday - December 16
St. John Eudes School Christmas Program - Join our school children as they celebrate the season with a very special Christmas program! 7:00 pm in the church.
Thursday - December 17
Individual Confessions - Prepare yourself spiritually to receive the Christchild into your heart.
Confessions will be heard 9:00-10:00 am in the church.
Confessions will be heard 9:00-10:00 am in the church.
Friday - December 18
The St. John Eudes Music Ministry Presents a Christmas Concert - Enjoy a wonderful musical expression of the sounds of Christmas sure to uplift your spirit. Special guest soloist will be Bishop Joseph Brennan, our regional bishop. 7:30 pm in the church (nominal admission).
Saturday - December 19

Individual Confessions - As our Advent observance draws to a close, we are offered an opportunity to reconcile ourselves with the Lord. Confessions will be heard from 4:00-5:00 pm in the church.
Weekend - December 19/20
Giving Tree Gift Collection - Giving Tree gifts for needy children will be collected at all Masses (gifts should be brought unwrapped and placed in the collection box in the church narthex).
Christmas Mass Schedule
Thursday ~ December 24
Christmas Eve
8:30 am - Morning Mass
4:00 pm - Children’s Mass
with Children's Choir
(Featuring a Christmas Dramatization)
(Note: Due to the popularity of this Mass, a second Mass has been added that will be celebrated at 4:00 pm in Grill Hall for those who cannot be seated in the church. No standing in the church or narthex will be permitted at the 4:00 pm Mass.)
6:00 pm - Spanish Mass
8:00 pm - Evening Mass
11:00 pm - Midnight Mass with Choir
(with Carols at 10:15 pm)
(Note:There will be no 6:30 am Mass on Christmas Eve)
Friday ~ December 25
Christmas Day
9:00 am, 11:00 am - with Adult Choir
12:45 pm (Spanish)
Thursday ~ December 31
(New Year’s Eve)
6:30 am, 8:30 am
Friday ~ January 1
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
(New Year’s Day)
(Not a Holy Day of Obligation
in the Province of Los Angeles)
9:00 am (English)
(There will be no 6:30 am Mass)
Sunday ~ January 3
Solemnity of the Epiphany
of the Lord
5:30 pm - Saturday Vigil
7:30 am, 9:00 am
11:00 am, 12:45 pm
2:15 pm (Spanish)
5:30 pm
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