In the beginning of the celebration, each participant was invited to light a small candle and place it in the centerpiece while they remembered their country they left or the units which they have accompanied over the years. Sister Armelle then reminded the participants that all of them are a small part of the universe; they came with their own story to now begin a new story and that in a certain way they represent the world.
Then followed the opening hymn “This One Story” by Kathy Sherman, csj.
A time was given for silence to hold in their heart what the sisters have left (Incoming Team) : Their family, relatives, communities, provinces, and their countries, while the outgoing Team held what they are going to leave that has been part of their 6 or 12 years congregational service.
Sister Brigid Lawlor addressed the sisters and in her message she spoke about the world. From now the Team will have a global view of the Congregation. She added: “You need to enter into their world, to know what they need, what their hopes are, and what their joys are and this is a big adjustment. We wish to give you this world to remind you to be their world. For those of us who have had six or twelve years on the Team, we take a different challenge of that full and rich experience of knowing the world of the Good Shepherd in a different way. We are going from the large to the small, and our challenge is to not inflict the experience of our world that we have experienced into their world and to find ways in which our wisdom will help our own world grow, so we have a challenge as well as we transition.”
Sister Brigid invited the outgoing Team to offer each new member a crystal world as a symbol of their new mission to the whole world.
This was followed by a blessing and invocation from the earth. The participants faced the North, East South and West directions as they said the blessing.
Sr Teresa Pomar proclaimed the word of God (John 6:16-21) and time was given for sharing in small groups and in plenary.
To conclude the celebration each one took the symbol of the Spirit as it was done at the Chapter and placed it on a tree as they listened and sang to the song: Spirit of God…Fill the earth, bring it to birth and blow where you will.”
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