Please add your signature, go to the following link:
Please, spread widely in your Unit and country. Signatures do matter. In attach you find the letter to Angela Merkel.
Winifred Doherty
Letter to Angela Merkel
Dear Chancellor Angela Merkel, dear Minister Heiko Maas, and dear Minister Manuela Schwesig,
We appeal to you to:
1. Create a legal framework to outlaw the buying of sex in order to stop the use of women as sexual commodities.
2. Renegotiate the laws on prostitution with the aid of experts and survivors who are not profiteers of the ‘prostitution system’.
3. Ensure that exit strategies for those who wish to leave prostitution are mandated by law.
4. Ensure that the German government takes the long overdue step to ratify the United Nations Convention of 1949 which states that “prostitution and the accompanying evil of the traffic in persons for the purpose of prostitution are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person and endanger the welfare of the individual, the family and the community.”
Why it is imperative that you support this petition:
Prostitution violates the human dignity of women, it humiliates and debases them. As a result of prostitution women are deeply traumatized and their health is severely affected, often permanently even when they have voluntarily opted for a life of prostitution.
The prostitution law of 2002 permits and even supports this and is in violation of the German right to equality between men and women.
As a result of this law Germany has become the ‘Brothel of Europe’, a popular destination and transit country for drug dealers and human traffickers. Sex tourism is booming and the sex industry is making billions in profits.
The 2002 law also gives a carte blanche to all pimps, brothel owners and internationally organized crime. As a result, women bought and sold in prostitution are legally exploited.
Worldwide support:
Governments and initiatives throughout the world are endeavouring to put an end to prostitution by forbidding the buying of sex, based on the example of Sweden.
The European Parliament has acknowledged by a majority that prostitution violates human dignity and human rights and contravenes the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union.
During the convention of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Rights in New York this year, over 130 organizations and individuals urged Chancellor Merkel in an open letter (23rd March 2015) to finally sign the long overdue UN declaration, the ‘Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others’ (see above).
In their letter, the organizations point out the exemplary function of Germany and call for a ban on the buying of sex based on the Swedish approach as being the most effective means against the trafficking of women.
In 1945 the UNO was founded against the background of the atrocities perpetrated by the German national socialists and their supporters. Yet up until the present day, 70 years after the end of the World War II, Germany, of all countries, still has not yet signed essential UN agreements that support the protection and dignity of human beings.
Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’ However, exactly that is what is legally happening to thousands of women in prostitution in Germany on a daily basis.
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