Sr. Rita Lourenço welcomed the group, the CLT and the facilitators, Susan Chia and Elaine Basinger. Sr Marie Claude expressed in her welcome our joy at having Sr. Susan among us and our thanksgiving to the God for her good health. Sr Marie Claude invited us, taking into account the theme of the chapter, to riskall for leadership, to work hard to be life givers, to learn together and to create new links for mission. Sr Marie Claude thanked the leadership of the Congregation for having organized this session.
Sr. Elaine led us through the process of this session, creating an atmosphere of sacred space where the Spirit could speak to us individually and as a group.
Susan offered us various questions for reflection. Like seeds that will make their way to the interior of each of us and go out to others to bring new life.
What does it mean for me to be here in this sacred space?
How do you feel about being here and what is your deepest desire?
We took time to examine the centerpiece for the session. The circle gives life, it is open, the different fabrics and colors are together, the Spirit is with us, we can move forward, stones = obstacles are there also as major elements of a foundation.
To introduce us to a lively dance Sr Elaine said to us that singing is praying twice, and dancing is to pray three times. The dance was enjoyed by all and energized us for the morning work.
After this wonderful dance, we were invited to gather in Unit to find a symbol that expresses our journey as leadership team. Each group was very creative. This was followed by a presentation that helped us to see how we learn from the experiences of others. This sharing has enabled us to see the difference between the leadership model present ten years ago and that of the circular pattern we are trying to learn to live. We also opened our eyes to the realities, wealth, resources, challenges of each unit. Susan continued to accompany us during this time of sharing. She challenged us by her pertinent questions that always lead us deep inside: what are the key challenges in this time? How do you experience inner change?
The question Susan offered us after the sharing in the Units urges us to go further in our RIMOA Network: According to you, what is the call for RIMOA to go further? Some responses:
- Have hope and be committed.
- Go on a mission and prepare young people.
- RIMOA is the future of the Congregation. How to prepare for this? How do we prepare leaders for the future? How can RIMOA to take responsibility?
- Work together after this session.
- See the talents of Sisters who can be leaders, nurture the talents and gifts of our Sisters by giving them academic training that increases their capacity to take the Congregation in their hands.
- What do we do with the formation received?
- Release and prepare the Sisters to go elsewhere to learn the language and make a missionary experience beyond our borders.
- Strengthen the partnership that will allow collaboration with the laity.
- Be well rooted in our vocation.
Ask for the grace to be open to the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
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