Sr. Susan passed on to eternal life on Octber 3, 2015 in Singapore. At the time of her death, Susan was a member of the Congregational Leadership Team, having been elected during the 2009 Congregational Chapter in France. A new set of leaders has been elected in the recent 2015 Congregational Chapter.
File Photo. Sr. Susan speaks to the local leaders in 2010.
Sr. Brigid Lawlor, congregational leader and the outgoing CLT will turn over to Sr. Ellen Kelly and her incoming CLT the concerns of the congregation during their meeting in Rome this October. The incoming CLT will begin their leadership on November 14, when a Eucharistic celebration will be held at the Generalate.
Sr. Susan Chia, was the link councillor of the CLT to the Philippines. She came to the Philippines in 2010 for the Local Leaders' meeting and conducted sessions on "Gathering the Hundredfold" as part of the preparations for the Centennial Celebrations of the Good Shepherd Sisters in the Philippines in 2012. She also came in 2013 for the stewardship session conducted by the congregational treasurer, Sr. Yolanda Borbon for the local leaders and treasurers.
File Photo: One of the four groups during the Gathering the Hundredfold session.
Sr. Susan will be remembered for her great concern for formation of sisters worldwide. She initiated the 2011 and 2012 Formators' Session held in the Philippines, Chile and Kenya. This August 25-September 30, 2015 she was behind the planning for the Third Module of the Asia Pacific Formators' Session held in Maryridge, Tagaytay.
Though unable to attend the sessions because of sickness, Susan planned with the facilitators Elaine Basinger, Salomi Cruz, Josita Corera and the rest of the Formation Core Team the contents of the sessions.
On October 7, feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Good Shepherd Sisters in the Philippines were in solidarity with the rest of the congregation remembering Susan during the Eucharistic Celebration, and in the afternoon rosary and procession in honor of Our Lady.
Thank you, Susan.
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