“Help each other to live and to grow in
the Christian faith so as to be valiant witnesses of the Lord. Be united, but
not closed. Be humble, but not fearful. Be simple, but not naive. Be
thoughtful, but not complicated. Enter into dialogue with others, but be
Pope Benedict XVI, Genoa, Italy, May 18, 2008
Thanks to All Those Who Supported
the Men’s Council Oktoberfest!
Thank You! to
everyone who attended our recent Oktoberfest. There was a large crowd, great
food, frosty beer, and enthusiastic dancers that made this a real special
Oktoberfest celebration! We hope everyone had a great time and will plan to be
back again next year! A special thanks to the German-American Brass Band for
their authentic oompah-music and to our “50/50” Drawing winner Araceli Ceballos
who donated back a part of her winnings to be used for the Men’s Council St.
John Eudes School Scholarship.
core mission of the St. John Eudes Men’s Council is to serve God. And its
members fulfill this missionby being messengers of Christ through their
actions in our local and parish communities. The Council supports the pastor,
priests, sisters, laity and community by sponsoring various parish activities
and helps fulfill the needs of other ministries. It sponsors and hosts a number
of religious, spiritual, and social functions scheduled throughout the year.
The Men’s Council has a long history of service to St. John Eudes Parish, School and community. Being the
The Men’s Council has a long history of service to St. John Eudes Parish, School and community. Being the
first ministry established in the parish in 1963 to
help assist the newly assigned pastor, Fr. Grill, to build a new church and
school, it’s members have been active in supporting the parish’s mission ever
since. Through the years the Men’s Council has provided support to many
community groups and parish ministries including MEND, FISH, St. Vincent
DePaul, Concern, St. Joseph Table, SJE Swim Team, Seder Meal, SJE School
scholarships, Music Ministry, Children’s Choir, Building Fund, seminarian
support and various other items of support for the priests and parish. Current
activities include presentation of the Christmas Manger and Easter Scene,
Pastor’s Annual Dinner and Breakfast, Hollywood Bowl Night, Santa Anita Day at
the Races, January Family Luncheon, Weekend at Laughlin, Family Luau, Parish
Hospitality, Facilities Committee and the Carnival Beer Garden and Bingo. The
Council also sponsors recycling of aluminum cans for the parish, which is
promoted each week in the Parish Bulletin and helps raise funds for its
Main source: St, John Eudes Parrish...
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